Superior leather, exceptional strength
AI Topper kangaroo skins are all harvested under the Australian Government’s Kangaroo Management Program. All skins come from sustainable, wild kangaroo populations and never from threatened species.
Working in partnership with substantial kangaroo meatworks, AI Topper’s kangaroo skins are consolidated at our dedicated kangaroo processing facility in Adelaide, South Australia.
Every export consignment is accompanied by documentation tracing the leather to licensed harvesters in the field.
Valued for its soft touch, exceptional strength and light weight, kangaroo leather is used worldwide in the production of soccer/football and other sports shoes, motorcycle garment, industrial, firefighting, golf and motorcycle gloving, as well as fashion footwear, garments and accessories.
All AI Topper kangaroo leather is DMF free and produced using water-based finishing systems.
The Kangaroo Industry Association of Australia has further important information on:
- Sustainable management of kangaroo populations
- Welfare of kangaroos and ethical consumerism
- Traceability of kangaroo products
Additional background on the welfare, sustainability and traceability of kangaroo products can be found at the Australian Wild Game Industry Council
Unmatched leather in terms of strength, light weight, and durability
Strict grading for size, quality and style to ensure production is fit for purpose
Leather of choice in sports and high stress applications